Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Sophia Bass Performs Pt. 1 [LIVE]


I'm here right now in the JC Jazzman's listening to Sophia Bass perform her own song "Take Me Away" and I have to wonder what exactly she is doing here. Admittedly, this is the first Tuesday Jams I've been to, but she seems way too good to be in this hole. Especially with "Discovery Channel" filtering in from the WGMU booth next door.

No joke she is really excellent. I wish I had been here earlier because Sophia Bass is a pleasure to listen to.

She's got a pretty good drummer, Charles Mitchel, with her too and he integrates well into her music.

Bass is really good, the tones and the melody are all excellent and soothing. There's a great rhythm, you can see some of the people here nodding or foot-tapping along with it. The song lyrics are really good as well.

She's ended up the first half with an excellent Iron & Wine cover.

[Sorry for the crappy photo, my camera does not work very well in low light.]

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